Monday, July 30, 2018

Positive news

Everyday, there are innumerable news items that make headlines . It sounds funny, but i have found that you start noticing more and more news items that go with your beliefs, preferences, thoughts.
So i started an experiment to hunt for positive news in whatever i read during the day online or print media. i must admit it was not easy as for some reason , positive news does not make as many headlines as does not so positive news about crime, hatred, war, politics .

Nevertheless, i am happy to report that there are enough sources of news that disseminate positive news about :

- some one helping the other in need
- some one achieving something remarkable in their field of work or play
- some one sharing a beautiful photo from nature
- some one speaking about motivating people to overcome their challenges
- some one writing a memorable book, article, poem, quote

At the end, you find what you are searching for , i guess 

Saturday, April 14, 2018


WHY is the most important question. The WHY question comes up many times a day as we see, hear, read events in our lives and around the world. especially , what intrigues me is the contradictions in the way different people react to the same stimuli . lets look at some of them and examine if we understand the WHY behind these:

WHY does some one rape a girl child and another sets up a shelter for orphan girls ?

WHY does some one steal to make more money while another shares whatever little he has ?

WHY does some one enjoys music and books, while another revels in drinking and smoking

The explanation i have read on this topic indicates that your past impressions gravitate you towards a set of behavior ; however, the will power we have been gifted with does allow to change course .

So the solution to become what you want to become is to harness this willpower that enables one to change ourself. The famous example quoted is that of Valmiki who turned from a robber to a saint.

we still may not understand the WHY of everything that happened , but we know we can create an alternate destiny for ourselves and influence WHY something can happen

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Power of WORDS

One cannot but wonder how WORDS spoken by some one some where some time remains in the minds of people long after and get quoted again and again . What strikes a choed within you depends on person to person. for example, i have always been impacted by any idea or concept that changes the status quo. Some of the WORDS that have impacted me so far include:

Never, never, never give up

You are what you THINK


What got you here will not get you there

A picture is worth a thousand words

.... and so on

Thousands of years after they lived, we still quote BUDDHA, KRISHNA, JESUS, MOHAMMED, SOCRATES, and others , is it not amazing !!!!

Even in day to day life, a word of encouragement, a smile, a gesture of love, makes a huge difference.

Since WORDS are so powerful, lets exercise restraint with words of anger, hatred, discouragement.

If you have to speak, speak with love else practise the maxim SILENCE IS GOLDEN

Saturday, January 24, 2015


why do we write at all ? when i think of it, i feel it is because we are born to express ourselves. come do it through singing, some through dance, some through their speech, and some write. Expressing what is inside yourself allows others to peek into our world , as everyone lives in his or her own world. Your own world is a collection of places, events, feelings, things,  people from your past and present, and it keeps evolving into the future as we live each day. we spend our lives talking about the past and keep hoping that the future will be even better. one does not realise, but everything is changing around us, including ourselves. This CHANGE is what we need to embrace whether we always like it or not, as this is the most universal phenomenon in human life. Every scenario has a finite probability. if you are friends with some one, tomorrow you may not. if you are not well, you may get better tomorrow. if you do not have lots of money, you may earn tomorrow or otherwise. so be prepared to enjoy the MOVIE of LIFE, where the story changes on the fly , there is no prewritten script, the beginning , middle and end are all unpredictable. Imagine a movie where the next scene is being written out while the current scene is flashing on the screen and you will know what i am talking about. ENJOY LIFE

Friday, December 26, 2014

I am grateful

I am grateful to see the sunrise today, feel the winter morning breeze on my face as I rode my bicycle, then the crisp newspaper in my hand while sipping tea , the satisfaction you get after a wholesome breakfast, the good feeling you get when some one calls you after a long time, the passing of the day into the night , there are just so so many things to be grateful for, what a miracle this life is

Sunday, May 4, 2014


The hardest part in anything is the START. there are many impediments to STARTING some thing new, some of them are

1) this is difficult
2 what if i fail ?
3) what will others say ?
4) is it worth the effort ?
5) are the results guaranteed ?
6) i have not done it before
7) there are others who can do it much better than i can
8) i wish i had done it earlier
9) can i postpone it to some time later ?
10) what is the price for not doing it ?

if you can get over all the above reasons and START , u can DO IT

Saturday, January 25, 2014

life without regrets

Life is wonderful if one can remove all traces of regret. the challenge is that you cannot